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5 Ways to Improve Tenant Screening in Massillon, OH

5 Ways to Improve Tenant Screening in Massillon, OH

According to a September 2023 article, Stark County, which Massillon, OH, belongs to, has a severe rent burden rate of 20.7%. No wonder it has the fifth-highest eviction rate, at 5.36%, among all Northeast Ohio counties!

Unless you perform comprehensive tenant screening for your Massillon rental property, you risk being one of the many landlords in the city who get forced to evict tenants.

Fortunately, you've come to the right place. In this guide, the property management experts at Stewardship Management & Realty have shared insights and tips for improving your tenant background check and rental application process.

1. Set Applicants' Expectations

To facilitate efficient tenant screening, set prospective applicants' expectations from the very start. Tell them this is an eligibility requirement to meet your lease agreement terms.

Doing so minimizes the chances of applicants who may choose not to provide consent from applying in the first place. The less often this happens, the less time you and applicants waste.

Also, ensure your rental application form clearly explains that you will screen applicants and charge a fee.

2. Establish Clear Criteria

According to, Ohio landlords filed almost 108,000 eviction cases in 2023 alone.

The primary reason for evictions is the inability to afford rent, which leads to non-payment. However, landlords can also evict tenants who break the lease or engage in criminal activities.

To avoid becoming part of the statistics, establish clear criteria for tenant eligibility.

First, determine their financial stability through a tenant credit report and employment/income verification. Then, verify they have a clean rental and eviction history with previous landlord reference checks. Finally, you should confirm their good moral character through criminal background checks.

3. Always Ask for Consent

While you have the right to conduct tenant background checks, applicants also have the right to give you their permission first. So, ensure your rental application form includes a consent letter that applicants can sign. You can only proceed with the checks if applicants have given their consent.

4. Don't Skip Any Tenant Screening Step

Since each type of tenant background check reveals different pertinent information about prospective renters, it's in your best interest to conduct them all. It's even more crucial not to skip any step because if you do, you can only perform the exact steps you've done with the rest of your applicants. If you suddenly require other prospective tenants to undergo other screening steps, they may file discriminatory complaints against you.

5. Hire Experts

Comprehensive tenant screening is necessary to protect yourself, your property, other tenants, and neighbors and minimize eviction risks. However, it can be complex and time-consuming, especially for first-time or accidental landlords.

Luckily, you don't have to bear the burden alone; Stewardship Management & Realty is here to help. Our leasing-only and full-service property management solutions include comprehensive and compliant tenant screening and placement.

Invest in Professional Tenant Screening Services

Since tenant screening can be legally complex, consider outsourcing the process to professionals like Stewardship Management & Realty. We are a locally owned and operated company and understand local, state, and federal housing laws. Our owner and manager, Merle Miller, also brings over 20 years of experience in real estate and property management to the company.

Connect with us for a free analysis of your Massillon, OH, rental property!
